Hello and welcome to "A Vinyl County Almanac!" I am a wildlife technician and nature writer who grew up in Connecticut and currently lives and works in southern New England. I am interested in the ecology of human-dominated landscapes, especially those along the eastern coast of the United States where I have spent most of my life. The eastern United States, especially the area around the I-95 corridor, is a fascinating ecological paradox. On the one the hand, the region is full of people - all of the top five most densely populated states (New Jersey, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Maryland) are in New England and the Midatlantic. And yet, since the mass abandonment of agricultural land in the early twentieth century, forests have grown back to cover a not insignificant percentage of the land, with even densely populated states like Connecticut and Rhode Island having about 50% of their total land area covered by highly fragmented forests. United States fo...