Boxelder Bug
I was playing outside with my dog the other day and found this little fellow on the side of our house - an eastern boxelder bug ( Boisea trivittata ). As the name implies, these colorful insects are members of the order Hemiptera (commonly referred as the true bugs) which feed primarily on boxelders ( Acer negundo ). As it turns out, finding them on the side of your house is not at all unusual, as they like to sun themselves on the sides of buildings on cool or windy days in the fall and early spring (Evans 2008). What is apparently unusual is finding only one - if a spot is especially good for sunning and is close to their host tree, they will often gather there in very large groups. I guess I'll be back with more pictures if that happens. In addition to boxelders, boxelder bugs will also feed on other trees in the maple family, as well as oaks and ailanthus. When I read this, I was a bit worried - we have a beloved red maple right behind our house - but it turns out that ...