Living Fossils
The term "living fossil" is a bit of a misleading one. It sounds like it is referring to a species previously known only from the fossil record which has somehow survived into the present, a species unaffected by evolution or extinction, but instead remaining in a kind of stasis for thousands or even millions of years. This, anyways, seems to be the popular understanding of the term. The truth, however, is that while this definition of a living fossil may be excellent fodder for adventure novels and horror movies, it doesn't describe any real organisms. "Actual fossils," as noted by biologists Didier Casane and Patrick Laurenti (2013), "are dead" and what we call living fossils today are not somehow immune to evolution. Providing a more accurate definition of a living fossil is a bit tricky, but I would argue that in general, the term refers to organisms that are (1) the only living representatives of a mostly extinct taxon and (2) have significant mo...