Resident Geese

Every year, in late August or early September, there is a moment when the bounty of Summertime slips for just a moment, and I become acutely aware for the first time of the rumbling preparations of Fall just beneath the surface. This year, it happened when I was counting bats in an especially populous breeding colony near a lake in Litchfield County. While we were waiting for the first bats to emerge, the still and oppressive August humidity was suddenly cut through by a chilly breeze from off the water and, a moment later, the sound of insistent honking and trumpeting began to build in the sky above. At its climax, a flock of Canada geese, flying in post-card perfect V-formation glided down over our heads and disappeared behind the tree line. A short beat, and there was more honking and splashing from the lake. These geese were almost certainly not migrating — it to was much too early for that — but returning home to roost after feeding all day at some local soccer field or high...