Falling Leaves and Jumping Worms
Earthworms can also harm native plants more directly as they go about their business on and beneath the forest floor. Many native plants in New England rely on a symbiotic relationship with certain kinds of fungi that help provide them with nutrients and water in return for sugars produced by the plant. These fungi, called mycorrhiza, are often negatively affected by invasive earthworms, which damage fungal strands with their burrowing activities; feed directly on the fungi and their spores; and perhaps disrupt the relationship between fungi and plants by providing the latter with patches of extra nutrients in the short term (Lawrence et al. 2003; Paudel et al. 2016). The resulting damage to mycorrhiza populations, along with stress from leaf litter depletion and possibly even worms feeding directly on roots, can eventually lead to declines in native plant diversity (Cortez and Bouché 1992; Gilbert et al. 2014; Craven et al. 2017; Dobson et al. 2017).
When native understory plants decline due to earthworm activity, they leave space open for other species that can survive in a changed forest. The plant community that emerges in the aftermath of earthworm invasions often includes certain native species of grass and sedge (Hale et al. 2006; Holdsworth et al. 2007), but also lots of nonnative, invasive plants (Craven et al. 2017). At least here in New England, most invasive plants are from the same parts of Europe and Asia that the invasive earthworms are from, and so are likely to be better prepared evolutionarily to withstand their shenanigans. As such, earthworm infested forests will often have understories dominated by invasive species such as buckthorn, garlic mustard, and Japanese barberry (Frelich et al. 2006; Heneghan et al. 2007; Nuzzo et al. 2009). Interestingly, there is at least one documented example of invasive plant removal resulting in declining worm populations, suggesting that the two might be mutually reinforcing each other's invasive activates in some cases (Madritch and Lindroth 2009). Both invasions by nonnative plants and worms and the resulting declines in native plant species are also probably exacerbated by over browsing from hyper abundant white-tailed deer (Fisichelli et al. 2013; Dobson and Blossey 2015; Dávalos 2015).
As invasive earthworms change the soil, the litter layer, and the understory, they change foundational aspects of the forest ecosystem that all sorts of other animals depend upon and cause complicated ripple effects throughout the community. Unsurprisingly, the depletion of the litter layer and direct competition with invasive earthworms has been found to result in the decline of various native decomposers, although this may be less of a problem with certain burrowing worms that create tunnel habitats rich in food (Eisenhauer 2010; Snyder et al. 2011; McCay and Scull 2019). Worm infested forests may also have fewer insects and other arthropods more generally, including those that do not inhabit the litter layer (Jochum et al. 2022).
Higher up the food chain, many species of salamanders feed on earthworms and some also use the old tunnels of larger burrowing species for shelter (Ransom 2012; Ransom 2017). However, these positive impacts may be stymied somewhat by depletion of the litter layer and competition for cover objects (logs, rocks, etc.) with surface dwelling species, like the Asian jumping worm (Ziemba et al. 2015; Ziemba et al. 2016). Finally, even bird populations can be impacted by worms, with the depletion of the litter layer possibly resulting in less successful reproduction for ground nesting species that use the litter to hide their young (Loss and Blair 2011).
Doing the Worm:
Given all these complex, often negative impacts that invasive earthworms are having on forest ecosystems, you are probably wondering what we might be able to do to control them. Unfortunately, this is not an easy task. Removing plants by pulling them up and applying herbicides is quite difficult; removing a much smaller, cryptic soil organism without undue harm to the rest of the ecosystem is even harder.
One possible method of controlling certain earthworm species is prescribed fire. That may sound like “undue harm,” but limited, controlled fires can actually have lots of positive impacts for certain ecosystems, even beyond helping to get rid of invasives. One study from 2015 found that controlled burns significantly reduced the number of viable cocoons for the Asian jumping worm (Ikeda et al. 2015). This is a pretty exciting result, because jumping worm are an annual species with adults that only live for one season. This means that destroying the cocoons in which young worms spend the winter could significantly reduce the overall population, even though adults can generally escape fires by digging down deeper into the soil. For now, it isn’t clear how well fire will work as a control method for other invasive worm species, including those that have multi-year life cycles, but it's certainly worth looking into.
While scientists are working on methods for controlling existing populations of invasive worms, the best thing that you can do is avoid starting any new ones. If you like to fish using live bait, avoid buying worms labeled as “jumping worms,” “jumpers,” “crazy worms” or any variation on those names, as they are especially invasive. No matter what kind of worms you are using and even if you collect them yourself, be sure to dispose of any unused bait properly by freezing it and then throwing it in the trash. Do not throw worms into the water or release them at you fishing site. If you are using worms for making compost, buy red wigglers, as this species has a hard time surviving in the wild and so does not become invasive. Finally, if you have to dispose of soil or litter for any reason, bring it to your local dump — do not dump in the forest! It is very likely that a few worms will be hitching a ride.
In addition to these more direct steps, it is also worthwhile to reflect a little bit on the story of invasive earthworms and the lessons it can teach us as aspiring good citizens of our ecosystems. First, invasive earthworms are a really good example of just how complicated ecological systems can be — I mean, just look at the citation list for this article! Earthworms touch so many different aspects of our ecosystems that it is very hard (read, impossible) to capture everything they are doing in just a few paragraphs or a handful of scientific studies. I’ve tried to capture that complexity by diving a little more into the details than other popular articles have, but I still had to leave out a lot to keep down the length and keep things reasonably accessible. All that complexity is part of the reason why it is so hard to predict when a species will become invasive and why it's so dangerous when they do, but it’s also what makes ecology such an interesting field of science!
The other important lesson that earthworms teach us is that in ecology, specifics matter. Just because a species behaves a certain way or has a certain impact in one geographic location or habitat type does not mean that it will be the same in another. This rule even applies within the category of “invasive earthworm.” I kept things fairly general in this article, but the truth is that different worms feed in different ways and so have different impacts on the ecosystem — all the changes I described above are caused at least in part by invasive earthworms, but not all invasive earthworms contribute the same to any given change. Likewise, different starting conditions in different forests are associated with different impacts from earthworm invasions, resulting in some variation in the results that different studies get (Craven et al. 2017). If you talk to an ecologist, you may hear them say that the moto of their field is “it depends,” and that’s because when you ask one of us a question, it is very likely that our answer will begin with that phrase.
So next time you go for a walk on a beautiful fall day, I hope that you’ll take a moment to look around and think a little about just how absurdly, amazingly complicated the nature all around you is. I know the goal of these sorts of walks is generally to relax and calm your mind a bit, but I also think that they are great opportunities to experience wonder in the everyday. If a little earthworm can have so many complex impacts on a whole forest, just imagine the amazing stories that are playing out in every square foot of your local park — and what kind of an impact your own activates can have in the ecosystem you call home.
*Throughout this article, I use the terms “earthworm” and “worm” interchangeably, which can be a little bit misleading. Take a look at the Animal Kingdom family tree and you’ll see that we call a lot of things “worms” that really aren’t all that closely related to each other. When I use the term here, I am only talking about animals in the phylum Annelida (the earthworms). You don’t really need to know what that means, but just keep in mind that what I am saying here does not necessarily apply to everything that you might think of as a “worm.” Also, if I use the general terms “earthworm” or “worm” I will be talking about invasive members of that group unless overwise specified.
Dávalos, A., Nuzzo, V., & Blossey, B. (2015). Single and interactive effects of deer and earthworms on non-native plants. Forest Ecology and Management, 351, 28–35.
Dobson, A., & Blossey, B. (2015). Earthworm invasion, white‐tailed deer and seedling establishment in deciduous forests of north‐eastern North America. Journal of Ecology, 103(1), 153–164.
Dobson, A. M., Blossey, B., & Richardson, J. B. (2017). Invasive earthworms change nutrient availability and uptake by forest understory plants. Plant and Soil, 421, 175–190.
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Fisichelli, N. A., Frelich, L. E., Reich, P. B., & Eisenhauer, N. (2013). Linking direct and indirect pathways mediating earthworms, deer, and understory composition in Great Lakes forests. Biological Invasions, 15, 1057–1066.
Frelich, L. E., Hale, C. M., Reich, P. B., Holdsworth, A. R., Scheu, S., Heneghan, L., & Bohlen, P. J. (2006). Earthworm invasion into previously earthworm-free temperate and boreal forests. Biological invasions belowground: earthworms as invasive species, 35–45.
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Hale, C. M., Frelich, L. E., Reich, P. B., & Pastor, J. (2005). Effects of European earthworm invasion on soil characteristics in northern hardwood forests of Minnesota, USA. Ecosystems, 8, 911–927.
Hale, C. M., Frelich, L. E., & Reich, P. B. (2006). Changes in hardwood forest understory plant communities in response to European earthworm invasions. Ecology, 87(7), 1637–1649.
Heneghan, L., Steffen, J., & Fagen, K. (2007). Interactions of an introduced shrub and introduced earthworms in an Illinois urban woodland: impact on leaf litter decomposition. Pedobiologia, 50(6), 543–551.
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Ikeda, H., Callaham Jr, M. A., O’Brien, J. J., Hornsby, B. S., & Wenk, E. S. (2015). Can the invasive earthworm, Amynthas agrestis, be controlled with prescribed fire? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 82, 21–27.
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McCay, T. S., & Scull, P. (2019). Invasive lumbricid earthworms in northeastern North American forests and consequences for leaf-litter fauna. Biological Invasions, 21, 2081–2093.
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Ziemba, J. L., Cameron, A. C., Peterson, K., Hickerson, C. A. M., & Anthony, C. D. (2015). Invasive Asian earthworms of the genus Amynthas alter microhabitat use by terrestrial salamanders. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 93(10), 805–811.
Ziemba, J. L., Hickerson, C. A. M., & Anthony, C. D. (2016). Invasive Asian earthworms negatively impact keystone terrestrial salamanders. PloS one, 11(5), e0151591.
Photo Credits:
(1) "Leaf Litter - Guelph, Ontario" - Ryan Hodnett (CC By-SA 4.0)
(2) “Invasive earthworm Amyhtas agrestis [tentative ID]” — by Tom Potterfield (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
(3) “Seiurus aurocapilla nest Maine 2” — by Fredlyfish4 (CC BY-SA 4.0)
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